Cyber Ops

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Cyber Ops

Cyberops is India’s leading organization in the field of Information security. Advancement in technology and interconnected business ecosystems has combined to increase exposure to cyber attacks. We aim to digitally shield the cyberspace by offering various products and services. Cyberspace operations management, utilization, and planning principles; These are just the entry level knowledge tasks that all cyberspace operations officers will learn, after which you will move on to a more specialized education and training. Related Article – Air Force Cyber Warfare (1B4X1): Career Details.

The CyberOps Experience

Supported by decades of experience in Australia and around the globe, the CyberOps team have the necessary technical expertise, business experience and communication skills to relate risks in a meaningful manner to all levels of management and executive. We recognise that this is critical in an environment where solutions are not just technical, but also involve changes to business processes and operations. Experienced in many diverse sectors including: telecommunications, defence, finance, health, manufacturing, utilities, state and federal governments, CyberOps provides an informed perspective in the advice it provides.
Go to Process & Architecture Consulting

Process & Architecture Consulting


CyberOps has experienced practitioners who provide expert consulting services on IT architectures and business processes with a focus on secure solutions.

Go to Governance, Risk & Business Advice

Governance, Risk & Business Advice

CyberOps specialises in services to bridge the gap between the executive, risk and technical teams. Through boardroom awareness sessions, risk assessments and workshops with technical teams, vendors and supply chain businesses, cyber maturity and resilience can be measured and improvements initiated.

Go to Security Design, Investigation, Review & Assessment

Security Design, Investigation, Review & Assessment


CyberOps delivers a wide range of technical security services, from reviewing existing processes and documentation, assessing the security of current environments, to the design of new secure IT systems to meet modern security requirements.

Cyber ops gusion imagesGo to Cyber Compliance

Cyber Compliance

CyberOps helps organisations meet their cyber compliance obligations by assisting in development of risk compliance reviews governance activities, policies and action plans.

Go to Cyber Preparation

Cyber Preparation

CyberOps can assist your organisation to assess and improve your current cybersecurity resilience, through the use of mature security architectural, design, development, deployment, vulnerability testing and management techniques.

Go to Cyber Publications

Cyber Opsec

Cyber Publications

As cybersecurity threats evolve and new vulnerabilities are discovered, through an ongoing series of publications and presentations, CyberOps aims to keep its customers well informed of the critical events affecting the Cyber community.

Go to CyberOps R&D Lab

CyberOps R&D Lab

CyberOps continues to support the building of state of the art cyber labs, testing facilities and drive R&D initiatives in Australia.

Go to Industry Segment Specialist Advice

Industry Segment Specialist Advice

CyberOps provides advice to a broad range of industries and specialisations including Space, Manufacturing, Defence, Satellite operations, IOT, Radio Frequency Communications, Encryption technologies and blockchain.

scalable enterprise Cyber services

The impact of cybersecurity risk is constantly growing. Local industries and all levels of government are being tested by the changing landscape. The increasing adoption of internet connected devices (IoT) and mobile smart devices, has increased the vulnerabilities even further. Every month we hear of another large organisation being hacked, but what often goes unreported is the hundreds of smaller companies and individuals being affected.
While national initiatives focus on the larger companies, utilities and layers of government; smaller companies are often left to their own devices to secure their businesses. As well as providing services to larger organisations, CyberOps offers enterprise quality services and experience tailored for the needs of smaller businesses in Australia. We do this by taking our customers on a journey by building awareness, providing targeted advice, carrying out workshops and informal assessments, providing resources and services to build resilience.
Our aim is to ensure organisations are ready to meet their compliance and operational requirements, but more importantly operate securely in a sustainable manner.

Online Network and Cloud Service Latency Checks


Often its great to understand why your network is running slow. This list of online and workstation latency checkers may help you pinpoint the problem. Background Your home network, carrier infrastructure, number/type of upstream internet interconnects, transparent content caches service and general dynamic/static routing between you and your content can all affect the quality and Read more about Online Network and Cloud Service Latency Checks[…]

Cisco Cyber Ops

Australian Notifiable Data Breach (NDB) and EU GDPR

The Australian mandatory Notifiable Data Breach (NDB) law and EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has challenged the way Australian companies need to look at Data Privacy and understand security surrounding customer data storage and transactions. The global impact of the EU GDPR regulations extend this obligation if you are providing services or in some Read more about Australian Notifiable Data Breach (NDB) and EU GDPR[…]

Meltdown and Spectre CPU Flaws Impact All Major CPUs

A recent flaw disclosed by Google Project Zero has the potential to impact all major Central Processing Units (CPUs), including those from Intel, AMD and ARM, exposing almost all PCs, laptops, tablets, and smartphones, regardless of manufacturer or operating system to exploitation. This flaw has existed in many Intel CPU’s since 1995. These hardware-related vulnerabilities have been Read more about Meltdown and Spectre CPU Flaws Impact All Major CPUs[…]

Staying Safe On The Internet

Recently the CyberOps team presented at South Australian Law Society 2017 Conference in Adelaide. The session was very well attended and resulted in many question during the session and discussions afterwards. The team covered many topics including: What motivates a hacker The Cyber Security Landscape Is Changing Where Could Evidence Come From What is Driving Change The Internet Read more about Staying Safe On The Internet[…]

Cyber Ops Jobs

Malicious Attack Activity and Global System Infections

Many security and virus detection organisations track malicious attack activity and global system infections. The below list represents some of the more graphically interesting services. Trend Global BotNet Threat Activity Map Global Virus Map Kaspersky Lab Live Attack Map Norce Live Attack Map FireEye Cyber Threat Map IPew Attack Map OpenDNS Traffic Map Team Cymru Read more about Malicious Attack Activity and Global System Infections[…]

Securing Your Information When Migrating To The Cloud

Cyber Ops Alliance

Many organisations are considering how to best utilise Cloud Computing to reduce operational costs, increase business efficiency and allowing staff to focus on core business outcomes, rather than running IT systems themselves. The CyberOps team have found that not all cloud services achieve the expected business outcome. If you are considering using Cloud services or Read more about Securing Your Information When Migrating To The Cloud[…]

The Onion Router aka TOR, DarkNet or DeepWeb

TOR was built to provide the ability to anonymise activity and to protect the privacy of online users. Like many technologies that can be used for good and evil, TOR is no exception. By providing a dynamic encrypted IP network, a covert hosting environment and the ability to obfuscate the IP addresses of users when accessing Read more about The Onion Router aka TOR, DarkNet or DeepWeb[…]

Cybersecurity – The ever evolving business challenge

Cyber Ops Specialist

Cyber Security can be challenging for many organisations. The CyberOps team is passionate about helping businesses in understanding the threats, vulnerabilities and attacks that can affect an organisations day to day operations. This presentation outlines some of the online tools and techniques used by malicious individuals to profile staff members and exposed technologies. Topics include: Read more about Cybersecurity – The ever evolving business challenge[…]

Reporting Cyber Incidents

When the CyberOps team assist Australian business who have been impacted or threatened by a Cyber-attack, we are often asked who needs to be notified? With the exception of specific industry and organisation requirements, we highly recommended notifying the following Law Enforcement and Government organisations. Contact us to find out more. Read more about Reporting Cyber Incidents[…]

Cyber Ops Air Force


Cyber Ops


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