Total War: ROME II - Greek States Culture Pack Download Free

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The Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack is a new playable campaign for ROME II, which rivals the original ROME II Grand Campaign in both scope and scale. This campaign comes as part of Total War™: ROME II – Emperor Edition and is available as a free, automatic update to existing owners of Total War™: ROME II. DLC Greek States Culture Pack Hello I have the code, with the preorder of TW rome 2, to redeem and download the DLC 'Greek States Culture Pack', but on Spteam I find only to buy it and I don't know how to use the code to download it.

KLA's Units Pack (2005-2014) - 165 units!

Uploaded by KLAssurbanipal - December 11, 2014
File Size152.73 MB
+ Download

There is the last pack of my all units for Rome 1. Units are historical (ancient, medieval) and mythological.
There are 165 units (models & textures) from 2005-2014.
Thank you friends!
Some units of KLA's Gold Edition I (2005-2007) - 115 units:
Preview of KLA's Gold Edition II (2008-2014) - 50 units:
Macedonian Hetairoi
Seleucid Cataphract
Herodian Horse Archer
King Phyrrus
Macedonian Hypaspist
Bactrian Hypaspist
Seleucid Hypaspist
Seleucid Romanized Infantry v.1
Seleucid Romanized Infantry v.2a
Seleucid Romanized Infantry v.2b

Amazon Militia Hoplite
Amazon Hoplite
Amazon Elite Hoplite
Amazon Guard
Amazon Light Archer
Amazon Archer
Amazon Elite Archer
Amazon Guard Archer
Amazon Libyan Archer

Celtic Spearman
Celtic Elite Spearman v.1
Celtic Elite Spearman v.2
Celtic Swordsman
Celtic Elite Swordsman v.1
Celtic Elite Swordsman v.2

Sumerian Guard Spearman
Egyptian Elite Spearman
Egyptian Elite Swordsman
Egyptian Pharaoh
Priest of Anubis
Priest of Seth

KNIGHTS (11th-12th centuries)
French Knight
English Knight
Polish Knight
Teutonic Knight
Norman Knight

Gladiator Samnite
Gladiator Thracian v.1
Gladiator Thracian v.2
Gladiator Secutor
Gladiator Myrmillo

Suebi Berserker
Saxon Elite Swordsman
Viking Elite Spearman
Viking Elite Swordsman
Viking Warlord
Viking Mythological Warrior

How to install the units.Total War: ROME II - Greek States Culture Pack Download Free
Note: I will use the Athenian Late Hoplite as example.
Note#2: this install instructions refer to the text files from vanilla RTW v1.5. In general it is the same with mods too, but some of them change the path where they have the graphic or even text files installed. Other then that, the same rules apply.
Note#3: this guide will tell you how to install the units using as example one of them. It is not a guide that contains the needed text for each and every unit in the pack. It is supposed to teach you how to do that so you`ll be able to do it on your own later.
Table of contents:
I.Decompress the pack--------------------------------- -------------------- page 1
II.Placing the units in the right location----------------------------------- page 1
III.Editing the text files---------------------------------------------starts on page 2
  • Editing export_units------------------------------------------page 2
  • Editing export_descr_unit_enums--------------------------page 3
  • Editing export_descr_unit-----------------------------------page 3
  • Editing descr_model_battle---------------------------------page 5
  • Editing export_descr_buildings----------------------------page 6

IV.Making units available only in certain regions------------------------ page 8
V.Making units recruitable only after the reforms----------------------- page 8
VI.Making sprites for the units---------------------------------------------- page 9
VII.Adding sounds for the new added units-------------------------------- page 10
VIII.Adding the unit cards----------------------------------------------------- page 11
I. Decompress the pack
It`s a rar archive. You will notice that inside all the units have their own folder named after them and there is also a unit card folder that has the unit card for all of them.
II. Placing the unit files in the right location
You will notice that in the folder for the Athenian Late Hoplite there are 3 files. One is a JPG picture of it. That has is just for show, it has nothing to do with the install. The other two are:
The .cas one is the model, the 3d part of the unit.
The one is the texture, the 2d part that covers the model and is responsible for the colors, face and so one.
You need to place the .cas file in this location:
Rome – Total War/data/models_unit
The file you need to place in this location:
Rome – Total War/data/models_unit/textures
Note: the texture folder do not exist there by default so you will have to create a new folder named textures inside Rome – Total War/data/models_unit
III. Editing the text files
The files being placed in their right location you need to edit the following text files:
Export_descr_unit - it is the one where the unit stats are mentioned
Export_descr_unit_enums - link the unit to the description and unit cards
Descr_model_battle – the file where the graphic aspect(texture, model and sprites) is defined
Export_units - the file where the unit description is.
Export_descr_buildings - the file where you make the unit recruitable.
Editing export_units
The file is located here:
Rome – Total War/data/text
It is a text file that you can open with notepad. This goes for all the other ones too.
If you want to modify one of the existing units do a search in the file for the name that the unit has in game. For example hoplites. You will find this entry:
{greek_hoplite} Hoplites
HardynSapping AbilitynCan Form PhalanxnnThe basis of nearly all military power in Greece once revolved around the hoplite. {...snip…}which doubles as a weapon if the pike shaft breaks.
Hoplites are well equipped infantry that are most effective in the formidable, if slightly inflexible, phalanx formation.
Now, the one in blue is the name that appears in game. It has little relevance and as the description text it is cosmetic and you can change it to whatever you want. Don`t make it too long though or it will look bad in recruiting panels.
The ones in red are the lines that matter. They link the unit to its description and the unit cards. If you are simple modifying an existing unit you should leave those alone as they do not show up in game anyway.
If you want to add a unit without replacing an existing one you should copy the whole text as it is bellow and place it at the end of the text file. Then it is important that you modify the red lines if you want the new unit to have a new description and new unit cards. For example:
{athenian_hoplite_late} Late AthenianHoplites
HardynSapping AbilitynCan Form PhalanxnnThe basis of nearly all military power in Greece once revolved around the hoplite. {...snip…}which doubles as a weapon if the pike shaft breaks.
{athenian_hoplite_late _descr _short}
Hoplites are well equipped infantry that are most effective in the formidable, if slightly inflexible, phalanx formation.
Note that you should not remove the existing brackets and the second line should end in _descr and the third in _descr_short
The text that fallows after the brackets with the _descr part is the text that appears when you right click the unit and you get the unit panel.
The text that fallows after the brackets with the _descr_short part is the short text that appears when you put your mouse on the unit in recruiting panels for example.
Editing Export_descr_unit_enums
Those red lines from export_units you need to place in the file export_descr_unit_enums.
The file is in this location:
Rome – Total War/data
Open it and at the end of the file add this according to our example:
You need to leave one empty line between the previous group and the new one.
Editing export_descr_unit
The file is in this location:
Rome – Total War/data
This is where the unit stats are designated and a number of other things that relate to other text files. To change the unit stats you can consult the explanations at the beginning of the file. They tell you what those numbers stand for.
Now, to include a new unit you can use one of the already existing entries there. For example the one for the RTW greek hoplite since it is a similar unit. To find it you need to do a search for what was in the brackets in export_units. For example:
{greek_hoplite} Hoplites
You will find this entry:
type greek hoplite
dictionary greek_hoplite ; Hoplites
category infantry
class spearmen
voice_type Medium_1
soldier greek_hoplite, 40, 0, 1
attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, can_sap
formation 1, 1, 2, 2, 5, square, phalanx
stat_health 1, 0
stat_pri 7, 3, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, spear, 25 ,1
stat_pri_attr spear, spear_bonus_8
stat_sec 5, 2, no, 0, 0, melee, simple, piercing, sword, 25 ,1
stat_sec_attr no
stat_pri_armour 6, 5, 5, leather
stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
stat_heat 3
stat_ground 2, 0, 0, 0
stat_mental 4, normal, highly_trained
stat_charge_dist 30
stat_fire_delay 0
stat_food 60, 300
stat_cost 1, 440, 170, 50, 70, 440
ownership greek_cities, slave
Copy all this and place it at the end of the file leaving two empty lines between it and the previous one.
Now, you will need to change a few things for the new unit. These are the necessary ones. The stats you can change as you want later.
First of all you need to change the entry`s title because you can`t have two entries named the same or you will get a CTD. So change this part:
type greek hoplite
to this:
type athenian late hoplite
Secondly, if you need to change the unit`s dictionary entry(the one that links to export_units). Change this line:
dictionary greek_hoplite ; Hoplites
to this:
dictionary athenian_late_hoplite ; Hoplites
Note: the sign ; is used to hide what follows after it from the game`s engine. So Hoplites in the example above will not be read. This means that you can change that to Athenian Hoplites or whatever, but you can just leave it as it is.
Thirdly you need to change the unit`s aspect. Better said the entry that links to descr_model_battle. So change this line:
soldier greek_hoplite, 40, 0, 1
to this:
soldier athenian_late_hoplite, 40, 0, 1
Now, if you want to give the unit to another country you need to edit the ownership:
ownership greek_cities, slave
Currently it is being recruited by the greek cities and the rebels. Here is a list of the factions`s internal names which you can add there in the format shown.
I presume they are self explanatory.
Editing Descr_model_battle.
This is where you define what graphics the unit will use. The file is located in this location:
Rome – Total War/data
To add a new unit you can copy and then modify one of the existing entries. Again, it is handy to use the entry for the RTW greek hoplite as you did in export_descr_unit.
So, open the file and do a search for what was in export_descr_unit next to the soldier entry. For example:
soldier greek_hoplite, 40, 0, 1
You will find this entry:
type greek_hoplite
skeleton fs_spearman, fs_swordsman ; combat spear
indiv_range 40
texture slave, data/models_unit/textures/unit_greek_hoplite_slave.tga
texture greek_cities, data/models_unit/textures/unit_greek_hoplite_greek.tga
model_flexi data/models_unit/unit_greek_hoplite_high.cas, 15
Total War: ROME II - Greek States Culture Pack Download Free model_flexi data/models_unit/unit_greek_hoplite_med.cas, 30
model_flexi data/models_unit/unit_greek_hoplite_low.cas, 40
model_flexi data/models_unit/unit_greek_hoplite_lowest.cas, max
model_sprite slave, 60.0, data/sprites/slave_greek_hoplite_sprite.spr
model_sprite greek_cities, 60.0, data/sprites/greek_cities_greek_hoplite_sprite.spr
model_tri 400, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f
The texture entry is where you designate the texture used. Namely
In our example. The textures are designated based on faction ownership(with a special mention for mercenaries that will be made bellow). So, you need to have the wanted faction set in the unit ownership in export_descr_unit and again, here, in front of the texture.
The model (model_flexi) is not designated based on faction and will be used by all of them on this entry. So, while you can have different textures for each faction(different colors and such in game) you will only have one model. The model is in our example:
The sprites (model_sprite) are the 2d images that you see when you zoom out from the unit. They replace the image of the 3d model so as to increase performance in game. The units in this pack do not have sprites, but I`ll show you bellow how to make them. It`s a fairly easy process.
You will notice that those lines contain the path for the files and some other stats. You need to leave those alone and just change the name of the graphic files. Like this:
type athenian_late_hoplite
skeleton fs_spearman, fs_swordsman ; combat spear
indiv_range 40
texture slave, data/models_unit/textures/Athenian_Hoplite_Late.tga
texture greek_cities, data/models_unit/textures/Athenian_Hoplite_Late.tga
model_flexi data/models_unit/Athenian_Hoplite_Late.cas, 15
model_flexi data/models_unit/Athenian_Hoplite_Late.cas, 30
model_flexi data/models_unit/Athenian_Hoplite_Late.cas, 40
model_flexi data/models_unit/Athenian_Hoplite_Late.cas, max
model_sprite slave, 60.0, data/sprites/athenian_late_hoplite_sprite.scr
model_sprite greek_cities, 60.0, data/sprites/athenian_late_hoplite_sprite.scr
model_tri 400, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f
Note that I have changed the title of the entry(to athenian_late_hoplite) so that it will match with the soldier entry in export_descr_unit. As in export_descr_unit you can not have more then one entry with the same name.
Also, note that for the entry of the texture you need to not mention the .dds that is at the end in the name of the graphic file or it will CTD. It needs to end in .tga as in the example above.
The changing of the sprites I will explain bellow.
Editing Export_descr_buildings
This file is where you make the units recruitable by the desired faction from the desired building. You can also define a specific region for a unit so that it will only be available for recruitment there. This I will show you in a chapter bellow.
The file in this location:
Rome – Total War/data
If you`ve just replaced one of the already existing units then you can leave this file as it is and you`ll have that unit recruitable as it was before. If you have added a new unit then you will need to add recruiting lines for it. Open the file. You will see that you have a line that looks like this:
levels governors_house governors_villa governors_palace proconsuls_palace imperial_palace
Those are all the government buildings as they are upgraded and then you will have them detailed with the basic units they allow. If you want your unit to be recruited form the government buildings you can add it here, but in vanilla these were only for the peasant units. For a hoplite you need to go to the barracks. These are the levels:
levels muster_field militia_barracks city_barracks army_barracks royal_barracks
You will need to add your unit under the ones where you want it to be available. One thing first. The line above is the order in which they are upgraded. So, if you add your unit to be available with the second level of barracks be sure to add it to the following levels too or it will disappear once you have upgraded your barracks. In this case you can use the example of the RTW greek hoplites:
militia_barracks requires factions { barbarian, carthaginian, eastern, parthia, egyptian, greek, roman, }
recruit 'carthaginian city militia' 0 requires factions { spain, }
recruit 'carthaginian infantry' 0 requires factions { spain, }
recruit 'barb infantry briton' 0 requires factions { britons, }
recruit 'barb infantry dacian' 0 requires factions { dacia, }
recruit 'barb infantry gaul' 0 requires factions { gauls, }
recruit 'warband spear german' 0 requires factions { germans, }
recruit 'barb horse archers scythian' 0 requires factions { scythia, }
recruit 'warband sword briton' 0 requires factions { britons, }
recruit 'warband sword gaul' 0 requires factions { gauls, }
recruit 'warband axe german' 0 requires factions { germans, }
recruit 'warband axe scythian' 0 requires factions { scythia, }
recruit 'warband falx dacian' 0 requires factions { dacia, }
recruit 'carthaginian city militia' 0 requires factions { carthage, }
recruit 'numidian javelinmen' 0 requires factions { numidia, }
recruit 'carthaginian infantry' 0 requires factions { carthage, }
recruit 'numidian desert warriors' 0 requires factions { numidia, }
recruit 'east hillmen' 0 requires factions { eastern, }
recruit 'east infantry' 0 requires factions { eastern, }
recruit 'egyptian nubian spearmen' 0 requires factions { egyptian, }
recruit 'egyptian nile infantry' 0 requires factions { egyptian, }
recruit 'greek hoplite militia' 0 requires factions { greek, }
recruit 'greek levy pikemen' 0 requires factions { seleucid, macedon, }
recruit 'warband falx thracian' 0 requires factions { thrace, }

Total War: Rome Ii - Greek States Culture Pack Download Free Online

recruit 'greek hoplite' 0 requires factions { greek_cities, }
recruit 'roman city militia' 0 requires factions { roman, }
recruit 'roman hastati' 0 requires factions { roman, } and not marian_reforms
recruit 'roman infantry auxillia' 0 requires factions { roman, } and marian_reforms
So, you just copy this line and add it under it. You then adjust it with the new unit` name so it will look like this:
recruit 'athenian late hoplite' 0 requires factions { greek_cities, }
Place this under the line for the greek hoplite.
athenian late hoplite is the one the type entry from export_descr_unit has.
0 stands for the experience with which the unit is recruited. If you want it to be recruited with experience you can increase that.
greek_cities is the faction ownership. The faction that can recruit this unit. You can add more then one, but be sure not to lose that comma after the name.
IV. Making the units available only in certain regions
Since some of these hoplites are specific to a region you can make them available only there so you won`t be able to recruit athenian hoplites in Sparta or vice versa. It is relatively simple.
Open the text file export_descr_buildings. You will find this line at the beginning:
hidden_resources spartaromeitaly
Sparta, rome and italy are hidden resources. They are linked with the regions in another text file. For our example, you will need to add a resource unique for the Athens, regions Attica in game. SO add unit_athen (it can be any other name, but if you use more then one word you can`t have space between them so you wither merge the words or link them with a _ ) after that list so it will look like this:
hidden_resources spartaromeitaly unit_athen
Now, you need to make the unit recruitable based on this resource. So edit all the recruiting lines you made for it so it will end with this:
recruit 'athenian late hoplite' 0 requires factions { greek_cities, } and hidden_resource unit_athen
Note there is an empty space before the red part.
Now you need to open the file descr_regions from this location:
Rome – Total War/data/world/map/base
Then search for Athens. You will find this entry:
58 177 106
silver, iron, olive_oil, slaves, dogs, pigs
The silver, iron and so one are the resources. You need to add the new hidden resource at the end of this line so it will look like this:
silver, iron, olive_oil, slaves, dogs, pigs, unit_athen
That is about it. Now the unit will only be recruitable in Athens.
Total war: rome ii - greek states culture pack download free versionNote: in some mods the names you see in game for the regions are not the exact same ones as in descr_regions. That is because they have changes the description name, but not the internal name for the game(the one that appears in descr_regions). So, if you have doubts about this you can do a search in the file:
It is in this location:
Rome – Total War/data/text
The names outside the brackets are the ones that appear in game. The ones inside the brackets are the internal names and the ones you can then search in descr_regions.
V.Making the unit available for recruitment only after the marian reforms
Because you can have two versions of the same unit(early and late) you can make them available in turn, before and then after the marian reforms. For example you make the regular athenian hoplite recruitable before the reforms and the late athenian hoplite will then replace it after the reform.
For this you need to edit the export_descr_buildings again. Modify the recruiting line so it will look like this:
recruit 'athenian late hoplite' 0 requires factions { greek_cities, } and marian_reforms and hidden_resource unit_athen
The previous line will make the unit available only after the reforms. If you want it available only before the reforms make it like this:
recruit 'athenian late hoplite' 0 requires factions { greek_cities, } and not marian_reforms and hidden_resource unit_athen
VI. Making sprites for the units.
  • make a folder named sprites in this location:

Rome – Total War/data
2. make a text file(use notepad for example) and save it with the name sprite_script
Place it in the folder where you have the game`s exe. For example in:
Rome – Total War the text file you`ve just done you need to insert the command for the game to create the sprites. The rules are:
-for an infantry unit you need to write the title of its descr_model_battle entry followed by an empty space and then the name of the faction`s ownership(you need to do that for all the factions that have textures on that entry if the textures are different). In our example:
athenian_late_hoplite greek_cities
-for a cavalry unit you need to add the name of its mount after the ownership. This you can get from the unit`s entry in export_descr_unit. If it is a cavalry unit it will have a line for mount under the one for soldier, looking like this:
mount heavy horse
So, presuming that our athenian hoplite would be a cavalry unit using that heavy horse you would need to enter this command:
athenian_late_hoplite greek_cities heavy horse
-if your unit is on a mount, but it is standing down(for example the driver of the chariot or the elephant crew) you need to replace the mount reference from above with the entry sprite_root
You can add more then one of these commands in the sprite script, but how many it will be able to support depends on the capacity of your PC. I suggest you don`t insert too many.
4.After you have added the commands in the script and saved it you have to modify the target of the game`s icon. For this you obviously need to have a shortcut on your desktop for the game`s exe. To modify it. Right click on the icon. Select Properties. Modify the text in the target so that it will end with this command: -sprite_script
So it should end like this(with an empty space betwen the original text and the command):
RomeTW.exe' -sprite_script
5.Now start the game using this desktop shorcut and wait. The game will start, but it will not advance past the Loading screen. After a few moments depeding on how many commands you ahve entered it will revert back to the desktop and you will find the sprites all done in the newly created sprites folder.
6.Now, you will notice that the sprites are in the format .tga
You will need to convert them to .dds
For this you can use a free soft called ddsconverter that you can find in the downloading section of twc. After you have converted them to .dds you need to rename the files so that they end in and not just .dds. This is the format the vanilla had. Example:
7.You will notice that one of the files the game has created ends in .scr
This is the one you will mention in descr_model_battle and the rest will be referred to by name association with this one. So you need to mention this file(in our example):
in descr_model_battle like this:
type athenian_late_hoplite
skeleton fs_spearman, fs_swordsman ; combat spear
indiv_range 40
texture slave, data/models_unit/textures/Athenian_Hoplite_Late.tga
texture greek_cities, data/models_unit/textures/Athenian_Hoplite_Late.tga
model_flexi data/models_unit/Athenian_Hoplite_Late.cas, 15
model_flexi data/models_unit/Athenian_Hoplite_Late.cas, 30

Total War: Rome Ii - Greek States Culture Pack Download Free 2015

model_flexi data/models_unit/Athenian_Hoplite_Late.cas, 40
model_flexi data/models_unit/Athenian_Hoplite_Late.cas, max
model_sprite slave, 60.0, data/sprites/athenian_late_hoplite_sprite.scr
model_sprite greek_cities, 60.0, data/sprites/athenian_late_hoplite_sprite.scr
model_tri 400, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f
VII. Adding sounds for the new units.
If you`ve only replaced on of the existing units it will take that units voice, but if you add a new unit(meaning a new unit entry in export_descr_unit) the unit will be silent when you click it. To give it a voice you need to edit some text files. Open the file
It is in this location:
Rome – Total War/data
Now, the easiest way is to use an already existing entry and add the new unit name to it. For example the RTW greek hoplite.
(Note: the units are referred to in this file by the type name they have in export_descr_unit)
So, do a search for greek hoplite and you will find this entry:
unit greek hoplite
folder data/sounds/Voice/Human/Localized/Battle_Map
folder data/sounds/Voice/Human/Localized/Battle_Map
Greek_General_1_name_greek_hoplite_2.wavTotal War: ROME II - Greek States Culture Pack Download Free
folder data/sounds/Voice/Human/Localized/Battle_Map
Now add the new unit`s name like so:
unit greek hoplite, athenian late hoplite
folder data/sounds/Voice/Human/Localized/Battle_Map
folder data/sounds/Voice/Human/Localized/Battle_Map
folder data/sounds/Voice/Human/Localized/Battle_Map
The unit will now have the voice and give the reply of the RTW greek hoplites. If you want to mix those remarks or to insert custom made sound it is a bit more complicated so I recommend you read a tutorial that is dedicated to that.
Now, you may also want to edit these two files:
They are in this location:
Rome – Total War/data
It is fairly easy to add the unit here. Open each file and you`ll see that the units are grouped based on their culture. So in our example just add the unit name from export_descr_unit in the greek section:
;;;;;;;;;;; GREEK
After the last entry there. In RTW v1.5 that should be
, cheat oliphants
This goes for both files.
VIII.Adding the unit cards.
In the pack there is a folder called Unit cards. You have the unit cards for all the units in there. You only need to implement them.
  • create a folder named UI in this location:

Rome – Total War/data
  • inside this new folder you need to create two new folders named

So you will end up with two paths looking like so:
Rome – Total WardataUIUNIT_INFO
Rome – Total WardataUIUNITS
  • Now, you don`t just add the files in these two folders. All the unit card files need to be inside a folder that is named after the faction that uses the unit. So, in our example they need to be placed in a GREEK_CITIES folder. This should be created inside both the UNITS and the UNITS_INFO folders. You will then have two paths that look like this:

The files that start with # should go in the folder UNITS.
And the rest of the files, the ones that end in _INFO.tga, should go in UNITS_INFO.
One thing you need to be careful. These graphic files are linked to the text file via their name. So they have to have exactly the name from the first brackets in export_units. To remind you in export_units we had:

Total War: Rome Ii - Greek States Culture Pack Download Free Download

{athenian_hoplite_late} Late Athenian Hoplites
So the two graphic files should be named according with this example as:
to go in this location:
to go in this location:



nuxminatorWhen I install units Celtic Swordsman they don't have swords in hands. It's that model problem or i'm doing something wrong?
March 01, 2015 at 07:30 PM
Same problem have Celtic Elite Swordsman 1 and Celtic Elite Swordsman 2
Actually I don't have 3dsmax to fix it. Probably in summertime I could to change it.
November 17, 2017 at 11:48 AM
i Did It I Mod My Game I Have A Backup Of The Vanilla Files

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Seller will give you a gift certificate in the amount of 3,811 RUB for a positive review of the product purchased.

Product description

You buy the official key, which you receive immediately after payment in the window that opens, as well as a link to the page with the key that will come to your E-Mail specified during purchase.
Each buyer who left a positive review (I want a gift) - receives one of more than 40 different games for Steam. Which one? You will find out about this when you receive your GIFT.
It can be activated on “Steam”.
To receive a gift you must:
1) Buy a game from us
2) Leave a positive review with the comment “I want a gift”
3) Expect.
Distribution of the gift is done within 48 hours after writing the comment.
Attention!! Putting a review - you guarantee that you have read all the conditions for the Gift and if something is not clear - asked.
For a positive review of the product, I will provide the buyer with a gift certificate in the amount of 5 rubles.
Details of gift certificates
Each buyer will receive a Promo code, he gives an excellent discount on all our pre-orders!
Language: Russian, English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish, Czech, Turkish
Platform: PC
Activation: Steam
Activation region: Russia, Ukraine and the CIS
ATTENTION! To access the content of the add-on you must have activated the game Total War: Rome II.
The Culture of Policies set adds to Total War: ROME II a new culture available for the game, and its three fractions. They can be used in single-player and multi-user campaign mode, as well as in special and multi-user battles.
The Culture of Policies set will add to the game diplomatic Athenians, cunning Epiruses and strong Spartans. Each of these factions has its own unique tactics for achieving cultural victories and triumph on the battlefield, as well as deadly elite fighters capable of crushing any enemy.
The Greek states have common tasks, views and aspirations. However, their important feature has always been independence, which means they have completely different approaches to achieving civilian and military goals, which is why they often have to deal with the rest of the world and even with each other.
This product is distributed through digital distribution, it is only a pin code, and does not contain packages and boxes.

Additional information

Http:// - Battlefield 1
Http:// - Assassins Creed Origins: Deluxe Edition
Http:// - Grand Theft Auto V
Http:// - Far Cry 5: Deluxe Edition
Http:// - Dark Souls III Deluxe Edition
Http:// - Tom Clancy´s Rainbow Six: Siege
Http:// - TEKKEN 7
Http:// - PREY
Http:// - Overwatch: Origins Edition
Http:// - Siberia 3
Http:// - World of Warcraft: Legion RU + 100 lvl
Http:// - Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War III
Http:// - Total War: WARHAMMER II
Http:// - Tom Clancys The Division
Instructions for activating the key on Steam:
1. Download and install Steam to register the account on Steam.
2. Click the 'Add game - activate via Steam' button and follow the instructions. After activation, the game appears in the list of games and you can download it.
3. Download and after the full installation run and play.
IMPORTANT: After activating the serial key in steam, the key becomes invalid, i.e. You can not use it again.
MUST remember, but better write down all the details of your account! Without them, you will not be able to access the activated games in the future.
Dear customers!
We will be very grateful to the positive response!
Thank you very much, Your GameCode.
All our goods on the page


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