My Little Worms

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About worms in kids. Worms are a type of parasite. This article is about threadworms, which are the most common type of worms in kids.Threadworms are also known as pinworms. Threadworms won’t hurt your child, and you can treat them easily. Question: We have thousands of inch-long worms on the east side of our garage. Contractor said it was on a worm bed. The worms have a hard shell; gas does not kill them. They are black, and I don't know if they turn into another insect. Question: My family is currently in Jamaica during August. We have brown worms with tons of legs crawling up. I am Dr.Hema, a.k.a the “Doctor Mommy”.I am a medical doctor by profession, no longer into active medical practice as my two little moppets keep me pretty much busy. I love to help and guide new parents through their journey of raising healthy babies. A fun game about cute and resistant worms, which will certainly entertain you and give many pleasant moments. Simple arcade game with nice graphics and unusual characters.

Tiny Brown Worms in Laundry, Bathroom, and Kitchen. August 14, 2013. A reader wrote to us about some tiny brown worms she has been finding in various places around her house, including her laundry basket, her bathroom, and her kitchen counter. When the reader says “tiny,” she means it, as she only estimates the worms to be about a quarter of an inch (or six millimeters) in length.

Table of Contents

Overview | Types of Puppy Worms | Symptoms | Diagnosis | Treatment | Prevention | Humans and Puppy Worms | FAQ | Ask a Vet a Question | For Additional Reading

What You Need to Know About Puppy Worms:

Finding worms in puppy poop is a common problem with worms found in puppies 99% of the time. The most diagnosed puppy worm types are hookworms and roundworms. Puppies are often born with worms that are passed on from the mother before birth or through nursing. Worms can be dangerous and should trigger a trip to the veterinarian whenever they are suspected. Puppies should be dewormed at least two times, usually during their first and second visit to a vet or the first time they are vaccinated. This can occur as early as 2 weeks of age.

The companion animal parasite council recommends that puppies be tested for intestinal parasites at least 4x in the first year of life and 2x times per year in adults depending on health and lifecycle factors. The council also recommends that treatment with a dewormer start at 2 weeks of age and is repeated every 2 weeks until regular broad spectrum parasite control begins. A single worm does is not enough to eradicate the worms they have picked up from the mother.

Puppy worm related symptoms include poor coat condition and a loose stool. Some worms such as hookworms and roundworms can be passed to children and adults, making it even more important to seek prompt treatment. Diagnosis is based on an examination of the feces (bring a sample to the vet) or a blood test for heartworm. Once diagnosed, puppies will be receive a prescription dewormer followed by the suggested use of a preventative. Puppies are at greater risk from worms if the live in a kennel, breeding facility or shelter.


Intestinal worms are an extremely common problem in dogs, and are especially common and problematic in puppies. The main types of intestinal parasites seen in puppies are:

  • Roundworms (Toxocara spp.)
  • Hookworms (Ancylostoma and Uncinaria)
  • Tapeworms (Dipylidium caninum)
  • Whipworms (Trichuris vulpis)

Roundworms and hookworms can be transmitted to humans and, for this reason alone, dog owners should take intestinal parasites very seriously.

A stool sample is needed for diagnosis since worm eggs are not visible to the naked eye. Roundworms and tapeworms can be seen in the poop without the help of a microscope.

  • Dog tapeworms: look like flat white rice kernels. They can be found in the feces or around the anus.
  • Dog roundworms: these are 3 to 5 inches and are long, round, white and look like spaghetti. The can be found in puppy poop or in vomit.

There are also several types of non-intestinal worms that can infect dogs:

  • Heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis)
  • Subcutaneous worms (Diroflaria repens)
  • Lungworm
  • Eye worms (Thelazia callipaeda)

Many puppies are infected before birth and, despite attempted de-worming by breeders and shelters, they still are infected when they go home to their new families. It is important for every family taking in a new puppy to be aware of the dangers of intestinal parasites and to start appropriate monitoring and prevention of parasites right away with a trip to the veterinarian.

Many breeding kennels and animal shelters have rampant worm infestations, and despite efforts to disinfect the environment and de-worm the population, a majority of puppies that come out of some of these facilities are infected with worms when they go home to their new families. For this reason, make an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as possible after adopting or purchasing a new puppy, preferably the same day.

You should bring a fresh stool sample (deposited in the last 12 hours) with you to the appointment so that the vet can check for microscopic parasite eggs. If your dog does not provide you with a sample your vet may be able to obtain one during the appointment or may send you home with a container to bring back at a later time.

Types of Puppy Worms

Worms in the puppy stool can look different depending on the type of worm. Review each type below for specific descriptions and pictures of dog worms.

Heartworm (Dirofiliaria immitis)

Puppy Heartworm Lifecycle

Heartworm is a worm that lives in the pulmonary artery. It is transmitted by mosquitos and can be passwed from a lactating mother to puppies. Worms can also pass through puppy skin. Infection can be fatal. Symptoms include:

  • Weakness
  • Dysponoea (Labored breathing)
  • Chronic cough

Heartworm is controlled with the use of treatments that kill the juvenile heartworm prior to the worm migrating to the pulmonary artery and right side of the heart. Products do not stop infection, but keep the worm from developing into an adult that can then cause clinical symptoms.

Puppies need preventative heartworm treatment immediately as allowed (follow the manufacturers recommendation).


Puppy Hookworm Lifecycle

Hookworms are transmitted to the puppy if they ingest feces or if passed from the mother's uterus, or through mother's milk.

The worms attach themselves to the wall of the pups small intestine. The name hookworm comes from the mouthpart that is at an angle to the rest of the worm. The risk to the puppy is anemia since the worms suck blood while attached to the intestine and can cause death in young pups. Kennel runs can pass hookworms to a puppy.

My Little Worms

Symptoms of puppy hookworm include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Weight loss
  • Anemia

The condition is diagnosed when eggs are found in the feces. Diagnosis is challenging in young puppies since signs of disease can occur before infection is established via fecal examination.(1)

Treatment includes the use of an anthelmintic (dewormer) and supportive therapies.


Adult Roundworms in Dog Intestines

Many puppies are born with roundworm larvae in their tissues. The eggs are transmitted from mother's tissue to puppy (on the 42nd day of pregnancy) or when the puppy drinks milk from the mother. When the eggs hatch in the intestine they release larvae that penetrate the intestinal wall and then migrate. the life cycle is completed when the larvae are coughed up by the puppy and then swallowed again. Roundworms can grow to 5 inches long with one female producing 20,000 eggs per day. Eventually the worms start to release larvae as they attempt to infest the pups small intestine. The larvae can be found in the puppy stool. If ingested it can reinfest the puppy or other pets.

Roundworms have hard shells which enables them to live for years in the environment.

Puppies with roundworms have a protruded stomach and don't grow normally. Note that wormers do not prevent larvae from infesting the puppy. Dewormers only kill worms in the intestines.


From the age of 2 weeks, then every 14 days up to 2 weeks after weaning with fenbendazole/febantel, flubendazole, pyrantel or nitroscanate and then monthly treatments up to six months of age.

Puppy Roundworm Lifecycle
Source: European Scientific Counsel Companion Animal Parasites


Puppy Tapeworm Lifecycle

Tapeworms are passed to puppies by fleas. When the dog ingests a flea the tapeworm can developin the small intestine. The worms get their name by appearing to be made up of small segments which are attached together (up to 90, 4' to 6' length in total). These pieces can stick in the dog's fur or are found at the anus or tail. These segments appear to be grains of rice or flat white worms in the dog poop and can contain eggs. Tapeworms are not killed by wormers purchased without a prescription.

Tapeworms rarely lead to symptoms in dogs. It can cause irritation around the anus causing the dog to rub the anus along the floor.


Puppies should be treated after the presence of fleas is established. Treatment is performed with epsiprantel or praziquantel along with flea or lice control.


Whipworms live in the dog's large intestine (the cecum which is the first section) and have a threadlike appearance. These types of worms lay few eggs making them more difficult to detect in the puppy stool and diagnose. Eggs are passed in dog feces wth eggs developing in one to two months into worms. The eggs can survive in the environment for several years. After infection dogs can shed eggs for one year.

Symptoms include weight loss, stools that are covered in bloody mucous, and hyponatremai (ability to think, nausea, poor balance).

Whipworms in puppies are diagnosed when the 'lemon-shaped' eggs are found in a fecal sample using the flotation technique.

Treatment involves frequent treatment and removal of the puppy from the contaminated area.

Symptoms (vary by type of puppy worm)

Worms such as roundworms, hookworms, and the protozoa coccidia are a danger to the puppy. Symptoms associated with puppy worm infestations include:

  • Malnutrition
  • Weight loss
  • Poor hair/coat
  • Loose stool or diarrhea
  • Anemia
  • Round belly (if they are full of worms)
  • Pneumonia (in severe cases)
  • Vomiting

Some puppies can have an infestation, but show no symptoms. The larvea (worm eggs) can stay dormant and then become active when a dog is stress. If a mother has hookworms or roundworms, during the end of pregnancy the worms can become active and then infest the puppy.


Most types of worms can be determined with a fecal exam using the flotation technique. Heartworm and subcutaneous worms require a blood test. Feces should be examined at every annual checkup and when a puppy is first brought to a vet. You can see roundworms and tapeworms with the naked eye. Hookworms and other parasites require examination with a microscope.

Hookworm and whipworm eggs are easily recognized by a veterinarian.


If parasite eggs or worms in puppy poop are found, your vet will prescribe an appropriate de-wormer and follow up with repeat fecal examinations until the stool is clear. Your puppy should also be started on a monthly heartworm preventive such as Trifexis®, Sentinel®, or Interceptor®. These products not only protect your dog against heartworm disease, but also prevent future intestinal parasite infection. For added support of the pups natural immune system defenses, you can also consider the use of a natural homeopathic formulated for this purpose such as Parasite Dr.

Treatment and the prescribed dewormer depends on the type of worm found. There is no single product that kills all worms. Some non-prescription wormers are not effective. Discuss what is best for your puppy with your veterinarian.

If you have other dogs in the house, your veterinarian will probably want to either check the other dogs’ stool samples or just go ahead and de-worm each dog. There is no need to isolate the infected dog, but do make sure to pick up any feces deposited by the dog right away, and you may want to bleach the spot in the grass just to be on the safe side.

Worms often live in areas where animals poop. Because of this it's a smart idea for dog owners to remove any feces found in the yard or other living areas.


Prevent your puppy from eating feces. Remove any feces before it can come in contact with your dog. Only use deworms prescribed by your veterinarian.

Puppy Worms and Humans

If your vet finds signs of worms in puppy poop, appropriate measures should also be taken to reduce the possibility of transmission to a house mate or family member. Use good hygiene practices around the dog - always wash your hands after handling the dog or its feces, do not kiss the dog or allow the dog to lick you in the face, and do not sleep with the dog in your bed. Instruct children on how to follow these hygiene basics. For small children and babies, it may be best to keep them away from the puppy altogether until the puppy’s stool is clear. If children are helping in the garden, ask them to wear gloves (and shoes) as a precaution. They should not have any exposed cuts or scrapes as well.


How long do dog deworming treatments take to work?

Dog deworming treatments work quickly in around 2 to 6 hours after administering the dewormer.

How long will my puppy poop worms after deworming?

It takes a puppy 1 to 2 weeks to get rid of worms after treatment begins. A puppy should be retreated if eggs are still present on the fecal exam or if vomiting persists.

Will You See Live Worms After Puppy Deworming?

After deworming it is normal for a dog to pass out dead worms or worms that show a slight movement such as a flicking motion. These worms will go on to die.(2)

For Additional Reading

Puppy Worm Control
Worm control in puppies and dogs.
European Scientific Counsel Companion Animal Parasites

Have A Dog Worm or Parasite Question For Our Vet? We Will Answer It For Free!

Do you have a Dog Worm or Parasite related Question for our Editors or a Helpful Story to Share? Please include information such as age, sex, breed, medical history, medications your dog is taking, recent changes in behavior, etc. Pictures are also helpful in identifying the severity and cause of any worm or parasite related problems.
We will do our best to get back to you quickly (depends on how many questions we receive each day). If you do require an immediate response we suggest using this online dog veterinary service that is available now.


(1) European Scientific Counsel Companion Animal Parasites

(2) My Pet & I - What to expect after deworming your dog

(3) Deworming dogs

(4) Washington State University

(5) AVMA

By Jeff Grill

A worm bin is like a box of chocolates… You never know what…Wait…yes, you do. But could there be more than meets the eye?

Red wiggler composting worms can be expected in every compost bin for certain. But after the lid is thrown wide and the bedding is pushed aside – we reveal the variety that offers a surprise every time.

Just beneath the surface of our worm compost exist multitudes of minuscule creatures. A vast majority of them go unnoticed. What story do they tell and what happens when they grow up and multiply?

How should we react to a thriving population of pale squirming, springing, and surprisingly abundant little white things living in our worm bin? Truth be told, finding bugs in our bins should come as no surprise. It comes with the territory, and it’s a territory teeming with life!


The vast majority of the microscopic life within the bin is overlooked by the human eye. However, there is one little white bug that often becomes the well observed companion of the red wiggler. Inspect your worm compost and see for yourself!

Tiny white cohabitants in the worm bin start out as few but can quickly multiply. Look closely. Do you see very small and quickly squiggling white bugs? You are most likely to find them working on food scraps just like the worms. In bright light you may see the faint blur of what looks much like the spray from popping bubbles off a freshly poured soda. Now that you know what you’re looking for, you may find their numbers are immeasurable!

Perhaps this very discovery has triggered your search for answers on the Internet – hesitant but eager to know if you should be grossed out, freaked out, or amazed by these little buggers.

Oh, that’s you!? Perfect, let’s get into it!

Let’s really get into it- when I lift the lid of my worm bin I see brown all across the top. A few crushed leaves shift as worms slide out of sight. Everything else seems pretty quiet.

So, I use my little hand rake to drag some of the top layer aside, and there they are! I see worms aplenty right alongside tiny white guys all going to town on some mushy old pumpkin. The worms devour the pumpkin and don’t seem to mind at all that the white bugs are sharing their meal.

But who are they? A closer look reveals that the “friends” are tiny- only a few millimeters long. None are on the worms. They definitely congregate on the food and, whoa! One just jumped!

Common White Springtail

That jump is the giveaway that we’re spying on springtails. Truth be told, these guys have been in my worm bin since day one. They came right along with the handful of red wigglers and finished worm compost handed down to me to start my own bin. I’ve learned not to mind them at all.

My Little Workshop Blitz

The little white creature to the right is a springtail. Now you know!

If you open your bin to find your red wigglers are cohabitating with tiny white invertebrates like these, it is probable that you too may be hosting springtails.

Springtails aren’t at all “ew”! They’re cool – Let me tell you all about them!

The Good News

First, forget any idea of these bitty animals taking over your home. They are living snug in the worm bin because it’s a dark, very moist and nutrient-rich place to stay.

As long as your home isn’t much like compost, the springtails should stay right where they are!

The second thing to hear confidently is that the springtails are NOT there to harm your worms!

The worms and the springtails have a symbiotic relationship that can be part of a healthy worm bin ecosystem.

Springtail Etymology

According to the Penn State Department of Entomology, the springtail is a small and naturally abundant invertebrate with complex mouthparts used to suck fluids from decomposed foods and fungi. What makes them unique is a forked tail-like appendage called a furcula under the abdomen that launches the springtail into the air for a quick getaway.

Talk about fight or flight! I don’t often see them flung around, but when I do I think it’s entertaining. What can I say? Cheap thrills.

One thing they have in common with red wigglers is that springtails feed heavily on microbes and decaying organic matter. Specifically, springtails seem to be particularly fond of fungi.

I often find springtails in my worm bin huddled in little masses on food scraps left after worms suck up the softest, most easily consumable parts. When I dig around a bit more… sure enough, I find another white wiggly bunch going to town on an old banana peel and zucchini end I tossed in. Yummy!

Overall, springtails are beneficial in your vermicompost to keep molds in check and begin the process of decomposition on more fibrous plant matter, like that old banana peel.

How Much is too Much?

So, we know they aren’t harmful, but is it possible that there can be too many? The answer is, technically, no. However, vermicompost systems that seem overrun by springtails can be managed in such a way as to reduce their numbers.

Round ’em Up and Ship ’em Out

To say that the population of springtails in your worm bin is a bit out of balance is a purely personal choice. Whether there are very few or many, if you are a bit squeamish about them, gather some for removal by laying out a piece of milk soaked bread-type bait. Doesn’t matter what kind- be resourceful- they aren’t very picky.

The springtails will migrate to food left on the surface of the bedding. Once they climb on you are free to simply carry them away. Yay! Free ride!

Rather than destroying them outright, bring the springtails outside where they can find a new purpose as food for birds or to break down organics in soil.

Dry Out

Another way to have fewer springtails in the bin is to create an environment contrary to their preferences.

Springtail populations surge in particularly wet conditions. If this happens and you aren’t a huge fan, let your bin dry out a bit and you should soon notice fewer little white guys squirming around.

You’ll find more ways to lower the moisture content in your worm bin in our helpful tips below.

Always use a moisture meter as your guide when adjusting the humidity in the worm bin to create and maintain the most ideal moisture conditions for your worms.

Remember that any method used for removing springtails will only keep the populations down for a time. For any lasting change, we need to maintain our bins in such a way that discourages guests in general.

What do Springtails in the Worm Bin Tell Us?

Again, composting worms are seldom troubled by the presence of springtails in the bin. But they may potentially react poorly, or even die, from extremes of the conditions that attract springtails in the first place.

If you have a sudden increase of any creature besides compost worms in your worm bin, pay close attention to these probable causes and coexisting dangers:

Too much water in the bin

Beware of drowned worms. Composting worms need moist skin to breathe through, but too much water is bad. They require moisture levels to stay between 60-75%.

Too much food in the bin

Beware of uneaten food. Piles of uneaten food create a toxic anaerobic situation with stinking bacteria.

My Dog Just Threw Up Little Worms

Toxic gasses in the bin

Beware of acidic gases from fermented foods. Acidic conditions may lead to protein poisoning.

Put Up Defenses

Since our compost worms are meant to be king of the castle in their bin, we can choose to do a few things to tip the scales in their favor. Each of the following create a more hospitable environment for red wigglers and one less tolerable for the tagalongs who show up every once in awhile.

  • Amend

Sprinkle pulverized egg shells onto the bedding or add it to feedings.

  • Air-out and Absorb

Allow some excess moisture to evaporate by leaving the lid off for a few hours each day or absorb it with coconut coir, paper, or cardboard.

  • Avoid feeding

Withhold food until you see all scraps have been eaten.

  • Aerate

Little Worms In Basement

Gently fluff the bedding a bit each week to make sure clean air replaces any stale or sour air.

  • Active Removal

Bait with milk-soaked bread. After a few hours, the bread can be removed along with whichever white bugs hop aboard. You can leave that little buggy bread nugget for a bird to find, or maybe your pet fish would enjoy that treat instead.


Now that you know who’s bugging your worm bin and what they are telling you, you can take a few steps to rebalance the moisture and maintain pH so that your worms can reclaim their territory once again.

My Little Boy Keeps Getting Worms

What surprising, shocking, or scary experiences have you had with bugs visiting your worm compost? Join our community of worm farmers and share your experience today.

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